Do You Want To Help Improve The Identification of Eating Disorders?


Then we might be looking for you!



What is it about?

We are looking to map out the current practices in primary care in relation to the identification and management of Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa.


Who is able to take part?

Anyone suffering with the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder and/or Bulimia Nervosa and is above the age of 16.


What is involved?

It is an online survey - all you need is a phone, tablet or computer! It will take you about 5 minutes!


How do I take part in the survey?

To take part in the survey please visit the University of Exeter website.


Study ends in February 2025


For further information, please contact Stella Kozmér via email.


Published: May 3, 2024